SAISAC Shore Competitions 2012

Feb 25th Courtown 16:00 – 21:00 Dabs and flounder.

Mar 24th Ballyhealy 17:00 – 22:00 should be won with more than 30 fish

Jun 30th Banna 12:00 – 17:00 back up venue will be the SPA. flounder and Bass
July 1st The SPA 12:00 – 17:00 STINGERS with Bass and flounder

Jul 14th Wexford beaches 20:00 – 01:00 – Smoothhound comp, whichever beach is showing them.

Sept 16th Gurteen (TBC) 12:00 – 17:00 perfect tide and time of year for thornbacks

Nov DATE TBC Youghal beach cod and painted ray

I have found it very difficult to get open fixtures (especially Munster) so if these comps are clashing with anything important they may be subject to change.

Thanks to Henry’s Tackle Shop for again sponsoring our competitions

SAISAC on tour! the NWASAC TWO Day Festival Liverpool

And so the four faithful SAI boyos headed for Liverpool to try our hand at fishing the mighty Mersey. Otterspool promenade was the venue for the 18th year of the NWASAC TWO Day Festival. Fishing was to a 2 hook rule and peeler crab was not allowed. This match attracts some of the biggest names in shore match angling from around the british isles with big cash prizes and high scoring penn points.

We met up at Dublin port for the overnight ferry to Liverpool on a stormy Friday evening. Upon boarding the ferry we were greeted by a fine dinner and after a couple of pints it was off to the cabins for a sleepless few hours of listening to the noise of the ships engine, rattling doors, crashing waves and noisy vents.

We arrived in Liverpool for about 6.30am and then it was a seat of the pants ride to find the venue. Red lights were ignored with reckless abandon, as captain beelo wasted no time in finding his way around liverpool. It soon became apparent to the rest of us that he actually had some form of impediment that prevented him from seeing traffic lights.

We soon found the venue through a combination of god’s grace, blind luck and ignoring JP’s constant urge to cross the river. Next job was to get fed. The breakfast on the ferry had been “savage” but nothing could prepare us for the fine eating in the Britannia pub. Fry up for £2.50 is something everybody should experience at least once. Next, it was off to the check in at the Otterspool pub where we drew our pegs, emptied our bowels, collected our bait and it was off to the river.

More at

Sean Ivory

Ferrypoint, Youghal , Nov. 26th ’11 Report

Keith Murphy with a nice Flounder
People:Keith Murphy,JP Molloy,Ruairi Coleman,Donal O’Neill,Donal Domeney,Gordon Hardiman,John Diamond
Duration: 1430-1930

Tide: In at about 1830

Weather:Some showers, strong south westerly(!)


Rigs: Flappers mainly

Results: 33 fish total (me – blank :) ) Coalie,Flounder,Codling

Report: I left Dublin just before 10 am, and arrived into a fresh but dry Youghal just before noon. Walking down the road towards the Walter Raleigh I surmised that I was probably the first arrival but was charmingly disabused of that by a shout from a car parked at the side of the road. So there he was, JP, the “Rampent Wreckfish”, premier national athlete, slurping down his coffee and keeping up with the important girls^H^H^H^H previous days news in some red top or other..

Anyway we checked out the beach and it seemed fairly free of weed. The breeze was picking up faily quickly though. We went into the hotel to meet the others, having a quick chat about the year ahead and grabbing a bit of lunch. Jp found out they no longer do “a savage curry”. Donal Domeney arrived and it was time to head to the Ferrypoint. You need someone who can infallibly peg a beach from left to right….

Down at the venue the breeze was picking up. The beach looked well, beautifully pegged. We looked at each other a bit sheepishly, scratched our heads and eventually someone piped up that maybe the conditions wouldn’t be the most comfortable. Most of us quietly concurred. Donal Domeney was delighted. There’s nothing more he enjoys than a good pegging and off he went…

So we ended up fishing in the opposite direction, with the wind at our backs, more or less from our cars. At 2:30 pm the baits went into the water. Ruairi was quickly into codling, and I thought he might just run away with it pegged as he was near the end of Ferrypoint, able to cast into the channel.

That’s not quite how things worked though, as Keith started getting into fish, as did JP on my right. JP started with a flounder and then some codling and as it got darker some coalie too. I knew Keith was getting some fish, but we weren’t sure quite how well he was doing. I dropped a few fish on the ledge, but that was my own fault really. Cue JP, “What the *** do you mean you’re not bothered changing that flounder rod for that GB3 you have in the car. East Coast Anglers. I’m the only one not allowed to give a ****”.

At 7:30 pm it was time for lines up.

In the end Keith Murphy had 13 fish to JP’s 11

.	Peg	Name 	 	Fish	Pts	MA Pts
1	4	Keith Murphy	13	458	30
2	7	JP Molloy	11	411	29
3	1	Ruairi Coleman	5	224	28
4	5	Donal O'Neill	2	73	27
5	2	Donal Domeney	1	57	26
6	3	Gordon Hardiman	1	37	25
7	6	John Diamond	0	0	10

Largest Round Cod 52 cm Donal Domeney
Largest Flat Flounder 39cm Keith Murphy

All the competitions were sponsored by Henry’s Tackle Shop

Well done to Ruairi, winning the club master angler in his first year with us.