SAI SAC Master angler #2 Ballyhealy Co. Wexford 24/03/12

People: Don, Dominator, David, Gar, Mick, Al, Seaniebo, Keith, Jayball, Gordy and JP.

Duration: 5 hours 17.00 to 22.00

Tide: High water 19.30

Weather: Cool south easterly wind. Dry

Bait: Various

Rigs: Various

1st, JP Molloy, 5 fish, peg 2, 172pts longest fish 42cm Bass
2nd, Sean Ivory, 5 fish, peg 5, 172pts longest fish 22cm coalie
3rd, Gordon Hardman, 4 fish, peg 1, 149pts
4th, Gar Flynn, 3 fish, peg 10, 91pts
5th, Keith Murphy, 2 fish, Peg 4, 81pts
6th, Al Mc’Grane, 2 fish, Peg 6, 67pts
7th, Jay Fowler, 1 fish, Peg 3, 42pts
8th, Donal Domeny, 1 fish, Peg 11, 36pts
9th, David Costello, 1 fish, Peg 7, 26pts

Donal O’Neill peg 9, no fish
Mick Flynn peg 8, no fish


We landed at ballyhealy to be greeted by a biting south easterly wind blowing in from the sea. There was a nice surf running with it and conditions looked pretty good with no real sign of weed in the water. However looks can be deceiving and aside from the first cast, the next 2.5 hours was a weed fest.

A lot of lads were losing gear in it. Al to my right went through a horrible hour where I think he lost 4 or 5 rigs in a row. The fishing wasnt exactly setting the world alight either and by 7 pm only gordy on peg 1 had a fish on the beach with a nice Bass in the fourties. At this stage the weed eased off somewhat and people started to pick up a few fish.

I got a coalie just before darkness set in and word up the beach was that gordy had two more Bass and jp beside him was hitting a few flounders. Jayball beside jp got a fine flounder too of 37cm to pretty much guarantee him the flat pool. The fishing was still quiet enough to be honest and it was hard to know what to try.

Just as I was contemplating putting Al out of his misery with a lethal injection, I noticed a sharp pull down on my rod tip followed by a slack liner. Reeled it in and was delighted to see a doggie had taken the top hook. Lug tipped with black wrap had done the trick! Looked to my left and keith was after getting one too on wrap maddies and mac. Didnt have a doggie trace baited up so I cast out three hooks of lug and maddies and went about getting some sandeels on hooks. Just as I finished baiting those up i noticed another slack liner and duely reeled in a double of a dog and a flounder on the lug and maddies.

I spent the next 45 minutes fishing for dogs “properly” with fish baits landing only one with this method. Should have stuck to the lug and maddies! By the time 10 o clock rolled around we were all delighted to be getting off the beach. It had been a tough night at the office. Chatting to the lads in the carpark it looked tight between myself and jp for top spot. We both had 5 fish and the same points with 172 each. in the end the winner was decided by longest individual fish, for which doggies dont count so jp who had a Bass won overall. I was second and gordy got third.

Longest round fish went to gordy with a Bass and jay got the longest flat pool.

As always the craic and banter was great with the lads. Have been out of action for too long and cant wait for the two day down in Kerry in the summer.
Sean Ivory

SAISAC Shore Comp, Courtown , Feb 25th 2012, 4pm-9pm

2012-02-25 16.21.14a.jpg
People: JP,Keith, Al, JD, Ruairi, Lumpy, Dominator, Dan, Garrett, Gordy, Jay

Duration: 4pm-9pm

Tide: Low water was about 5:30 pm

Weather: Sunny, calm enough

Bait: Lud, wraps,maddies, sand eel, mack etc

Rigs: Flappers and clip downs


124 fish, Flounder, Whiting, Rockling, Dab, LSD, Bass

Place	Peg	Name		Fish	Total 	Ma Points
1	3	JP Molloy	17	344	30
2	5	Keith Murphy	15	303	29
3	11	Al McGrane	14	290	28
4	10	John Diamond	12	250	27
5	4	Ruari Coleman	12	227	26
6	1	Neil Burrell	12	223	25
7	7	Donal Domeney	10	181	24
8	8	Dan Prunty	10	175	23
9	6	Garrett Flynn	8	122	22
10	9	Gordy Hardman	8	120	21
11	2	Jay Fowler	6	77	20

Largest Round
22cm Rockling – Jp, Keith,JAY: Bass – John D

Largest Flat
29cm Flounder – John D

Well I woke up in Dublin to a lovely sunny day. There were just two problems with that:
1. I had meant to drive down to Wexford previous night
2. Bright, calm , end of February. Some fishing in daylight..YEAH!

I loaded up the taximobile (octavia) and 100 minutes or so later I was at Joe Carley’s house. Bait as ordered, A1, and then over to the folks. The dinner I was meant to have the previous night was popped in the microwave, lunch sorted, and I was good to go.

Back on the N11.

I arrived at Dodd’s rocks as a few lads were unloading their gear from their cars. They were having a small comp between themselves and were happy to stick to the north side of the beach, with us to the right of the entrance. I walked down to the beach to check it out finding dominator and Keith were already doing so. Donal sorted out the pegging (left to right) and Keith and I went back to the car park to sort out the check-in.

Preliminaries sorted, 11 of us were just about ready to go on the beach at 4pm. First cast for me was a flounder rig to about 40 metres or so. 20 minutes later I retrieved to find my bait untouched :cry: . Al had a double followed by a counting whiting. Second and third casts, still nothing for me. I went for a wee flounder walk, bumping into Joe Byrne on his own wee walk. Good to see him about, and some welcome advice for the conditions too.

When I got back to my rod I found the line had run up to the left! What the feck! 2 minutes later and a little Bass was in the bucket. An angry little Bass. Swimming around. With Joe looking after it. “Would you look at that. A Bass”. Another flapper out, fish measured, and a raincheck.

At ths stage Al had four fish, Jp had and Lumpy had similar and there were 2s and 3s spotted across the beach.

I picked up a flounder, then flounders and whiting. When it got dark I tried for a dog, getting a 29 cm flounder on the top hook (wrap and mack). Things went quiet for me, but after a while I picked up some under-size whiting. I decided to try for a LSD, picking one up on Maddi^H^H^H^ sand eel, with an undersize whiting on the top snood. My last cast was a disaster, I left the line slack and it broke pulling it through the gravel. :oops: :oops:

Anyway it was good to see new members, well done to JP on winning the first competition of the year and thanks to everybody who turned up.
More here 

SAISAC Shore Competition Feb 25th 2012

The first Shore competition is on Feb 25th at Courtown North Beach.
Fishing is between 16:00 and 21:00 . Dabs,flounder,Rockling Whiting etc may be expected.
Check in will be 2:30-3:00 at Dodd’s Rocks entrance.
If you intend to renew/join for the year you may do so then.
More here

View Courtown North Beach, Dodd’s Rocks in a larger map