SAISAC October 20th sponsor Henry’s Tackle

People:JD, Jay, Al, JP, Sean, Kevin Barber, Donal D

Duration:Oct 20th, 16:30-21:30

Tide: Rising

Weather:Not too unpleasant, cloudy later, southerlies

Bait: Crab, Mac, Sandeel Lug

Rigs: Clip downs and flappers


Place	Peg	Name	Fish Pts.	Points	Master Pts.
1	2	Sean Ivory	6	240	30
2	6	JP Molloy	5	204	29
3	1	Jay Fowler	2	93	28
4	4	Al McGrane	2	59	27
5	5	Donal Domeney	1	37	26
6	7	John Diamond	1	34	25
7	8	Kevin Barber	1	5	24

Biggest Round: Sean Ivory Painted Ray 59cm
Biggest Flat: Donal Domeney Flounder 32cm

Report: Seven of us made our way to Youghal, a few more that had hoped to make it had family commitments.


Cod and ray were the hoped for species, but they didn’t turn up in the hoped for numbers. I had to be happy with one flounder. :( .

Well done to Sean for a well deserved win, and also for a nice Painted Ray. He also prevented JP from registering a perfect score for the season.


Jay was delighted with his Painted Ray, and also well done on coming 3rd in this competition.

Also well done to Sean for his win down in Gurteen.

This left the final table as follows

_ Name Best 5 Total
1 JP Molloy 149 177
2 Keith Murphy 143 169
3 Sean Ivory 141 141
4 Al McGrane 133 133
5 John Diamond 132 144
6 Donal Domeney 119 131
7 Gordon Hardman 116 116
8 Jay Fowler 104 104
9 Gareth Flynn 97 97
10 Donal O’Neill 77 77
11 David Costello 66 66
12 Ruairi Coleman 61 61
13 Ian Bonney 58 58
14 Mick Flynn 56 56
15 Kevin Barber 46 46
16 Dan Prunty 45 45
17 Kevin McClean 39 39
18 Neil Burrell 25 25

We hope to have the schedule for next year up soon, and will also open soon for membership for 2013.

Many thanks again to Henry’s Tackle for sponsoring the club

Apologies for late report on this.


SAISAC Competition Report, North Beach Courtown, July 14th

People: JD,JP,Gordy,David,Donal,Don,Keith Murphy,Ian,Gareth

Duration: 8pm-1am

Tide: None to speak of (Courtown Neap). JP reported a good flow at range!

Weather: Pleasant enough, north-westerly

Bait: Crab, also sand eels, lug , rag etc

Rigs: Clip downs and flappers

Hounds, Dogs, Flounder, Dabs, Gurnard, Plaice, Whiting

Place	Peg	Name 		Fish	Total	Ma Points

1	9	JP Molloy	23	966	30
2	1	Gordon Hardman	11	436	29
3	10	Keith Murphy	10	425	28
4	6	John Diamond	11	405	27
5	11	Gareth Flynn	9	398	26
6	2	Donal O'Neill	10	364	25
7	3	Ian Bonney	8	297	24
8	7	Donal Domeney	8	290	23
9	4	David Costello	6	268	22

Biggest Animal : Keith Murphy – Hound 95cm
Biggest Round : Gareth Flynn – Whiting 21cm
Biggest Flat : Gordon Hardman – Flounder 26cm

The plan was to pick a Wexford Beach that had been showing hounds recently, and reports around Ballyhealy had not been great. Given that some members in Dublin had work on Saturday, we decided to meet up in Courtown and fish a local beach. There was one wee problem – getting fresh crab with the neap tides. In the end I made do with frozen, as did most of the rest of the lads. Arriving in Courtown, I decided to check the end of the beach near the river and forest. Plenty of beach to fish with, and having discussed it with Donal and JP we decided that was where we fish.

Peg draw completed, we headed off to the beach. I baited up a clipdown with two crab and a sand eel, and when Donal gave the whistle out it went.


It wasn’t long before some of the lads had picked up hounds, with Ian, Dave and JP(!!) getting their first hounds ever.



Nothing for me, not even a rattle. I saw Ian getting a pup from close in, so I tried a flapper with 2 ragworm and a crab close in for one of them. It didn’t work..


Darkness came and with that the dogs. They were quite close in too. I gradually got into some fish, getting a small hound and a few whiting too. However it was obvious that JP was running away with it and when the shout came for lines up he had twice as many fish as anyone else. Second place was close, with just one fish between the next four. In the end, well done to Gordy, who is having a good run lately.


Thanks again to Henry’s Tackle, who are sponsoring all our competitions.

SAISAC Kerry Two Day June 30/July 1 sponsor Henry’s Tackle

This was a trip I’d looked forward to for quite a while. After getting some bait and the prizes from Henry’s Tackle , digging some lug in Sutton and then picking up Jay, I typed Fenit into my phone. Estimate Time 4hours 40 minutes :shock: :shock: . As I turned on to the N7 it became obvious why it would take so long, the traffic was just inching along. Anyway eventually we arrived at our HQ for the weekend, the West End in Fenit.


Thanks to them for giving me a bowl of soup though the kitchen had closed. Most of the SAISAC crowd had arrived and Eugene and Martin from Ullcatch were also around too :) Good night was had catching up with everyone :)

Day 1 Banna Strand

People: Keith Murphy , Donal O’Neill , JP Molloy , Kevin McClean , Sean Ivory , John Diamond , Al McGrane , Donal Domeney , Ian Bonney , Mick Flynn , Jay Fowler , Gordon Hardman , Dave Costello , Dan Prunty , Kevin Barber , Gareth Flynn , Ruairi Coleman

Duration: NoonISH – 5pm

Tide: In at 2ish

Weather: Squally Showers :)

Bait: Lug,Crab, Maddies etc

Rigs: Flappers and Clip Downs

Results: 30 Fish, mainly Bass, Flounder, a Turbot


We all met up in the West End the next morning, 16 of us plus MAC who had got a pass at short notice :). After the draw was made we all headed off to Banna. Conditions looked great with a nice surf rolling in, even if it was blustery with plenty of squalls




We quickly realised that things were against us yet again, as the water in front of us was full of small sea weed. Nothing to do but keep the head down and fish through it. Some of the lads were fishing straight through without a shock, but I hadn’t come equipped with a suitable spare spool :oops: I heard reports of some fish coming in , and Keith Murphy had scored a few fish fairly quickly. After about 2 hours or so, I looked at my rod and figured it wasn’t the sea weed bouncing the tip around. :D I managed to reel in until I could see a Bass swimming around in the surf, with a huge clump of weed around the leader knot. No way I was going to risk the blank, so I rather gingerly hand-lined it in with each wash of the tide until it was beached. Relief…
40 cm and back he went. 2 casts later I followed that with a 22cm flounder. That was it for me …

Place	Peg	Name		Fish	Total	MA Points
1	15	Keith Murphy	8	218	30
2	3	Donal O'Neill	4	156	29
3	14	JP Molloy	4	100	28
4	17	Kevin McClean	3	92	27
5	8	Sean Ivory	3	84	26
6	6	John Diamond	2	72	25
7	12	Al McGrane	2	54	24
8	10	Donal Domeney	1	45	23
9	9	Ian Bonney	1	40	22
10	16	Mick Flynn	1	38	21
11	5	Jay Fowler	1	31	20
12	1	Gordon Hardman	0	0	10
12	2	Dave Costello	0	0	10
12	4	Dan Prunty	0	0	10
12	7	Kevin Barber	0	0	10
12	11	Gareth Flynn	0	0	10
12	13	Ruairi Coleman	0	0	10
Biggest Round: Donal O'Neill Bass 45					
Biggest Flat: Kevin McClean Flounder 39

We all met up again in the West End to hand in the match cards, have something to eat and a few drinks. I must also thank Eugene Farrelly for making us all feel welcome. And for managing to stay upright while walking around in heels :) :mrgreen: :twisted:

Day 2 The SPA

People: Keith Murphy , Donal O’Neill , JP Molloy , Kevin McClean , Sean Ivory , John Diamond , Al McGrane , Donal Domeney , Ian Bonney , Mick Flynn , Jay Fowler , Gordon Hardman , Dave Costello , Dan Prunty , Kevin Barber , Gareth Flynn , Ruairi Coleman

Duration: Noon – 4pm

Tide: In at 3ish

Weather: Overcast some showers

Bait: Mainly Crab, some lug

Rigs: Clip Downs and Flappers

Results: 15 Fish: Bass, Flounder, a whiting (!) and a Dragonet (!!)

Report: Most of us (!) met up at the West End again at the appointed time for check in. The stragglers caught up with us down in the SPA itself. I wasn’t sure what to do myself, conditions didn’t look too promising for Stingers, or any ray really. Nevertheless I decided to try a clip down with 2 crab and 1 sand eel. Off I went for my first cast. Crack-Off.. Feck. Nothing else ready. 5 minutes or so wasted before I had any bait in the water.



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Things were rather slow, I kept with the clip downs. Then Gordy had a double of flounder. Maybe time to rethink my tactics, I had lost a few rigs at this stage. Out with the flappers. Anyway a few more fish were coming in, Gordy had another flat, while Al felt pity for a poor lost little whiting, took him in a for a few minutes, and then pointed him in the direction of home. I wasn’t having much luck, and decided to pack up at about 20 minutes before lines up so as to be ready to get the scoring etc done as quickly as possible. On the way to the car I saw JP hook into a Bass, but he was snagged up as he brought him in. Like Xavi to Alba later on that night, I passed him my bucket and the Bass was scooped out of the water. At least I had an assist :lol: Back in the car with the paper work, word filtered though that JP had followed that with a 35 cm flounder. And that was enough for him to snatch the day’s top spot from Al. And we can’t forget Mick who managed to catch a 6cm dragonet. He must be keeping his bait neat and tidy.

Place	Peg	Name		Fish	Total	MA Points
1	3	JP Molloy	3	122	30
2	12	Al McGrane	4	96	29
3	5	Gordon Hardman	3	77	29
4	10	Keith Murphy	2	71	27
5	8	Sean Ivory	1	33	26
6	6	Ruairi Coleman	1	28	25
7	17	Mick Flynn	1	10	24
8	1	Donal O'Neill	0	0	12
9	2	Ian Bonney	0	0 	12
10	4	Kevin Barber	0	0	12
11	7	John Diamond	0	0	12
12	9	Donal Domeney	0	0	12
13	11	Kevin McClean	0	0	12
14	13	Dave Costello	0	0	12
15	14	Gareth Flynn	0	0	12
16	15	Dan Prunty	0	0	12
17	16	Jay Fowler	0	0	12
Biggest Round: JP Molloy Bass 39					
Biggest Flat: JP Molloy Flounder 35					
Mini Pools					
Overall 2 day: JP Molloy					
Team: Al McGrane & Keith Murphy					
Biggest Bass: Donal O'Neill					
Most Species: Keith Murphy					
Smallest Fish: Mick Flynn (6cm Dragonet)

Thanks again to Henry’s Tackle for sponsoring our competitions