SAISAC Shore Comp #3 Toberpatrick, Wexford, July 13th


People:JP Molloy, Gordon Hardman, Sean Ivory, Neil Burrell, John Diamond, Ruairi Coleman, Keith Murphy

Duration: 7pm-11:30pm

Tide: High about midnight.

Weather: Sunny! On shore breeze.

Bait: Crab, sand eel, lug rag etc

Rigs: Flappers and Clip downs

Results: 31 Fish – Hounds, Dogs, Flounder, Dabs, Tub Gurnard, Ray, Whiting. Also weevers were around.


This was originally scheduled for Courtown, but was moved due to the great weather we are having. However when we arrived in Toberpatrick we saw that even here was quite packed. Eventually at about 5:30 a gap became available on the beach and it was claimed with tackle Boxes Rod rests etc. At 7pm we were all ready and the baits were sent into the water.

First to score was JP with a small (!) ray, and soon after I had a 27cm flounder. Neil achieved his goal for the day – his first ever smooth hound.


I then ahd a double of a small tun and a flounder. The fishing was generally slow, and as it got darker Ruairi started picking up a few dogs. JP then managed a specimen hound of 102 cms, and then a few dogs after that.

At the end of the night, JP was the winner, with Ruairi close behind.


1st (1) JP Molloy 9 fish 440 points
2nd (7) Ruairi Coleman 8 fish 394 points
3rd (5) Neil Burrell 2 fish 183 points
4th (6) John Diamond 6 fish 109 points
5th (4) Sean Ivory 3 fish 103 points
6th (8) Keith Murphy 3 fish 58 points
7th (2) Gordon Hardman – –

Longest Round JP (Specimen Hound 102cm )
Longest Flat John Diamond |(Flounder 27cm )

Thanks again to Henry’s Tackle Shop for his kind sponsorship.

SAISAC Boat Trip Kilmore Quay May 6th 2013

People:Donal Domeney,John W,Brendan,Don ,Donogh ,David C,JD,David M

Duration: 9:30 am – 4 pm

Tide: High Water at 4pm

Weather: Cloudy, the brightening up nicely.

Bait: Rag,crab,mack etc

Rigs: Various

Results:Pollack,Balllan Wrasse,Cuckoo Wrasse,Pouting,Cod,Ling,Coalfish,Dab,Grey Gurnard (174 fish total)



We had decided that we would try as a club to get our boat trips going again and we have booked 3 trips this year. First trip was with Dick Hayes on The Enterprise at Kilmore Quay. I had a short run from my parent’s house in Wexford but others had been up early to make the trip down. In at least one case after a rather late night :)

We eventually were all on the boat and it wasn’t long before we started our first drift. Donogh and Brendan both managed a nice cod, with Brendan also managing a ling. I was struggling, and ended up with just 3 fish for the morning :oops: Totting up the scores in the cabin Donal Domeney was ahead, having caught 10 fish and 4 species.

We started the first afternoon drift with the day brightening up nicely. I started picking up a few wrasse and pollack, and then a nice coalie, with a nice dab soon after. Tipped bloodworm rigs worked well for me, sometimes with a long flowing trace above. We were all quite happy to keep going until 4pm when we took our lines in.
I was a point ahead of Brendan for the afternoon, but overall Donal Domeney took the honours for the day.

Donal Domeney	189		
Brendan O'Dwyer	181		
John Waldron	164

Well done to Brendan, coming second and also picking up six species.
I’m sure the others will add their reports to this thread :).

Many thanks to Dick Hayes, and to Shamrock Tackle for the sponsorship.






Results of first two Shore Competitions


1. Gordon Hardman peg 4: 309pts

2. Sean Ivory peg 1: 304pts

3. Kevin Barber peg 6: 248pts

4. Paul Skelly peg peg 8: 173pts

5. JP Molloy peg 9 : 95pts

6. Donal Domeny peg 13: 81pts

7. Donal O’Neill peg 10: 61pts

8. Keith Murphy peg 12: 53 pts

9. John Diamond peg 11: 51pts

10. Jay Fowler peg 2: 36pts

11. David Morrisey peg 7: 0



1st. Jay Fowler 19 fish 411 points peg 4

2nd Ruairi Coleman 12 fish 300 points peg 5

3rd Sean Ivory 13 fish 288 points peg 3

4th Keith Murphy 13 fish 259 points Peg1

5th Paul Skelly 10 fish 203 points Peg 6

6th David Costello 10 fish 197 points peg 10

7th John Diamond 9 fish 182 points peg 2

8th Al McGrane 8 fish 179 points Peg 12

9th Neil Burrell 5 fish 116 points Peg 9

10th Gordon Hardman 4 fish 86 points peg 7

11th JP Molloy 2 fish 68 points peg 11