SAI SAC travelled to Kerry fishing SPA on Saturday 1st and Cashen on Sunday 2nd of April.
Thanks again to Henry’s Tackle Shop for sponsoring our Shore Competitions.
Nathan had the biggest round, a bass of 37 cm, Marco had the biggest flat, a flounder of 34 cm
1. David 44 points
2. Nathan 42 points
3. Marco 39 points
4. Kevin 37 points
5. Darren 28 points
6. JD Blanked
1. Marco 6 fish 237 points
2. Nathan 4 fish 161 points
3. John 4 fish 149 points
4. Kevin 3 fish 115 points
5. Darren 2 fish 79 points
Darren got the biggest Bass 41cm, Nathan had the biggest flat, a flounder of 37
Full report here